On the final podcast of his most recent American trip, podfather Adam Curry came out of a day of meetings at Redmond, Wash., talking about NDAs. "No Damned Announcements," he called them, and then went on to hint to his DSC audience that there was something to announce, only he wasn't announcing it. Yet.
Anyway, cats started leaping out of bags on Monday's Daily Source Code, where Adam announced his newest venture, podshow.com, and talked a bit about his business plan.
There are more announcements to come, and no telling whether any of these will be in collaboration with the folks from Redmond. Regardless of Microsoft's interest in Curry, I'm pulling for the guy to make some money off podcasting. Standardization and monetization are good things -- but for me, the best thing about blogging and podcasting is that they simply elude centralized control. For every commercially successful podcast I hope we have a thousand dedicated to nothing more than the glory of speaking freely.